Civil Litigation

C ivil litigation covers a wide variety of cases, such as breach of contract, collection, injunctions, personal injury, tax appeals and many others. When the amount of money sought by the plaintiff is greater than $5,000, the case is heard in Superior Court. Cases seeking $5,000 or less are heard in Small Claims Court. The attorneys at LaBelle, LaBelle & Naab, PC, have extensive civil litigation experience and have dealt with most types of cases. Here are a few.

Breach of Contract – If you believe the other party to a contract is not fulfilling his obligations, you should contact an attorney to advise you how to proceed.  At times, a simple letter from an attorney will correct the issue.  Other times, however, you will need to file a lawsuit to either enforce the contract or obtain a fair monetary settlement.

Eminent Domain – This is the term used when the State of Connecticut or a town takes part of your property in order to widen or improve roadways, create highways, or install public utilities.  The governmental agency taking the portion of your property is supposed to pay you the fair market value for the property taken.  We have represented clients who believe the governmental agency has not paid the proper amount.  If you have been contacted by a governmental agency regarding your property, you should seek the advice of an attorney regarding your rights.

Collections – Usually a breach of contract claim, collections is the term used when a party owes you money and has not paid.  In such cases, our firm can help you obtain a judgment against that party and attempt to collect the judgment for you.  Sometimes judgment can be difficult to collect because the debtor has no money.  We can help you determine whether to use other tools to collect your judgment.

Torts – Torts describes a class of cases which includes, among other things, motor vehicle accidents, non-motor vehicle personal injury cases and malpractice cases.  Our firm has a wealth of experience in handling many types of tort cases.  Some of these types of cases are described under “Personal Injury.”